Sunday, November 2, 2008

Free Mastercard from Payoneer

Payoneer Inc Mastercard's use for shopping or to withdraw the cash money from ATM with mastercard's logo. And what is more for internet's payment if you don't want be paid by check and other else. And if you make a Paypal account, it can use to verify too.

You can get this card just for free and easy, what you only to do just register yourself to the FriendFinder, a site like Friendster. Its an easy way, you only following and join the affiliate. One of the program that suppor The Payoneer Inc is FriendFinder.

If you want to join the FriendFinder affiliate, follow the steps below:

* First you Register Here

* Then click Join Now

* Fill Your data form completely

* I am a Man : Choose Man if you man, and Woman if you woman

* Interested in meeting a : Choose Man if you looking for/friend with man, Woman if you looking for/friend with woman, or you can choose both.

* Birthdate : Your birth

* Country : Your country

* Zip/Postacl code : empty it if you not from US (US only)

* Email adresss : Your email address

* Username : Your username between 4 - 16 character

* Then click Click Here and Have Fun

* Then you go to the next step

* City : City that you live

* Closest City : Same like your city

* State : Your province or state

* Your Height : Heigth

* Your Body Type : Your body type

* Your Race : Type your race

* Marital Status : Your Status

* Your Religion : Type you religion

* Your Education : Type your last education

* Your Occupation : Type your job

* Introduction Title : A Title about you, you can type like: I am a good Man, I like travelling, etc. Minimum 10 character.

* Tell others about yourself : Type and describe about yourself, its better in english, like : I am a good man or woman and my hobby are reading, computer, internet, travelling, business, etc. Make like everything you want, minimum 50 character.

* If you have a photo you can browse you photo from your computer. If not yet, you can browse later.

* Then click to Join

* After that you check your email, then click Active Now.

* You log out a while with click Log off

* Then go to this FriendFinder Affiliate

* Click Affiliates

* Click Affiliate Sign up

* Type the form with your right data

* Preferred Program : Choose No. 1

* First Name : Your first name

* Last Name : Your last name

* URL : Type Your Website or Blog, you should to fill it, if you have not yet, you can make a blog from or

* Desired Password : Type password you want

* Preferred Newsletter Language : English

* Checks Payable To : Your complete Id name

* Street Address : Your id address

* City : Your city that you live

* State/Province : Your state or your province

* Country : Your country

* ZIP/Postal Code : Type your ZIP or Postal Code

* What is your business tax classification? : Empty it if you not from US (US only)

* Tax ID or Social Security Number : Empty it if you not from US (US Only)

* Phone Number : Your phone number or mobile

* Which Instant Messenger do you use? : choose None

* Use ePassporte : Choose No

* Then Click Here for the Last Step

* Click little box with the "Yes, I have read and accepted the Affiliate Agreement"

* Click Submit

* Then click Account Information

* Click the blue colour at Here is your account information. "Click here to update your information"

* Scroll down thenClick Payoneer : Signup to be paid by Prepaid MasterCard®.You will be directed to a FriendFinder page hosted by Payoneer, where you can sign up for a card.

* Then click Get Your Prepaid Mastercard@ Now!

After you click it you must fill the payoneer debit card form. There is 3 steps to fill it:

* Then click Start Here (Look at the picture above).

Fill your data in the Payoneer form (Step I). Then Click Step II button, fill your data. In the Step III you fill your country ID card at the form.

After you have fill the 3 steps form, don't forget to click the 3 box.

Then for the last you click Finish.

* The Payoneer Inc will send you the mastercard between 20 - 30 days.When the debit card arrived, then active it and follow the steps from the letter that sent with your card. It's so easy right?

* Check your email, there is you got your username and password for the affiliate. Login for a member and Login for an Affiliate is different.

Having try...

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