The band's name is Aurora Psycho Beauty, you can see the video clip at
This video clip created by them self and the song either. I hope you all can enjoy it. But of course, i wish you give the comments at Little bit promotion, hahah lolz..
Check The video clip at
Video Clip Description:
This video clip's telling about dream,, dream, dream ya dream... for exactly the dreams of auticed people that want to be heal and love... ya Autism is a developmental disorder that appears in the first 3 years of life, and affects the brain's normal development of social and communication skills.
Okay that's just a simple explanation about the video clip.
Enjoy it.
3 comments: baru ya???walah sejak kpn ni blog ini menggarap dunia musik???heuheu
kwkkkkwkakwka... hu'uh sejak personal and yang ada di video klip itu minta dipajang di blog daku hehhe....
Busyet cuma dikau yg ngasih comment chil.. sense bisnis smua kayanya yg lain heheheh...
maksud tante???review???hahah....
hahah....tenank2 tant...heheh......
ikt payingpost aja tant...aku udah dapet 40 $....
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