Monday, February 11, 2013

4 Easy Ways To Stay Productive As Successful Online Businesses

Talk about a productive work, maybe one of them is about new ideas, whether it be in making article marketing, promotional strategies, creating content, etc. As an internet marketer sometimes feel sense of stuck or bored always suddenly comes anytime. What if, you feel no ideas for managing your online business?

Here are some things I always do when I feel "stuck":

1. Always make a diary or journal.

Ideas can be triggered by anything you may hear and see. When I feel lazy or "stuck" sometimes it was the time that I should have a diary or journal work near me. Because of a certain incident our creative ideas suddenly appear when it happened. I wrrite everything into the journal and then save it for reference in the future.

You can write about anything you read or hear, one's ideas can be used for developing your own ideas and absolutely this is not stealing. Remember, the ideas and the creative things come from anywhere, even in the  laziest time for you. So, always provide daily journal of your work.

2. Create a workplace that can inspire your creativity

The workplace can be a barrier for some personality types. Sometimes a messy and chaotic workplace will be an uncomfortable disruption and it will kill your creativity. Put your workplace with any objects that makes you happy. You can put some pictures, scents, inspiring objects, or anything that can bring out your creativity.

So, all you have to do from right now just start make a priority for your workplace as comfortable as possible.

In my workplace, I put a television, instrumental music, a refrigerator, collection books, photographs and the toys that always remember me the fun time when I was a child  :)

3. Relax and take the time to resolve the problem

A jumbled mind can not create a space for new ideas. If you are bothered by something, you can't force your mind to stay focused or let your body work optimally. Sometimes family problems, employees or maybe about the things that not done yet make us feel "stuck". When it happened to you, give you a peace time moment for yourself then find out your emotion's trigger.

Discover what  the inspire things for you and what is the barriers. You can use your emotions to help you in expressing yourself for your ideas, with this you can learn to keep creative.

How? Here it is.

4. Learn to set the mood be so good.

There are many ways to set the mood. There are smoke, drink wine, do some private activity pleasures like listening an instrumental music, watch a movie, read a book, paint, etc.

With that simple things, I don't need a long time to get ready in the work again.

Or you can take a vacation. Go in the adventure time such as hiking, diving, etc. Make new things outside of your daily routine activities. Refresh yourself. I'm sure only in a short time, you would be refilled your energy again and become more productive and imaginative.

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